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NE Busy TR Drivers

To: vtr@autox.team.net
Subject: NE Busy TR Drivers
From: POLLEY <dpolley@s-cwis.unomaha.edu>
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 01:08:08 -0500 (CDT)
Dear Bill,
  Do not have much time to write as our club schedule is keeping us very 
busy here.!! As you may have noticed in the VTR publication this month.!!
We must be one of the most active clubs in US at this time.
  On a serious note--what happened??
  How are you all?? Life is going fast.  We are having a British Car Meet 
here on Sunday and hoping for 100 cars--but the weather may hinder this.
  We are enjoying the empty nest here--Craig is staying at NU as a 
research assistant this summer and Scott will be returning from Germany 
in July and off to Grad school at Berkeley or Madison. 
  Take care.  Have to attend to our busy Nebraska Truimph Drivers 
Schedule--HA HA.
  Bill and Anne

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