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VTR Competition Rules added to WWW pages

To: vtr@autox.team.net
Subject: VTR Competition Rules added to WWW pages
From: Ken Streeter <streeter@sanders.com>
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 1995 14:06:06 -0400
For those that may already be planning for the VTR National
Convention, the VTR competition rules for Autocross, Concours, and
Rallyes have been added to the VTR World-Wide-Web pages.

The pages are found at "http://www.sanders.com/vtr/vtr.html";

If you have looked at the pages before, but want to see any other
things that have changed since your last visit, be sure to visit the
"What's New?" page.

As always, I welcome any and all suggestions for enhancements and/or


Kenneth B. Streeter         | EMAIL: streeter@sanders.com
Lockheed Sanders, PTP2-A001 | WWW: http://rassp.sanders.com/streeter/
65 River Road               | Voice: (603) 885-9604
Hudson, NH 03051            | Fax:   (603) 885-0631

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