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[Vintage-race] SCCA Vintage changes

To: ORVint <>, "\"\""
Subject: [Vintage-race] SCCA Vintage changes
From: David Franks <>
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 20:49:29 -0800
Hi Everyone,

I hope your 2011 is starting of well. Due to some attention from the SCCA
National Competition Board the 2011 General Competition Rules (GCR) contains
new language related to running an SCCA vintage event and vintage car
preparation. If you are interested in running in Oregon Region9s Vintage
Group or in preparing a vintage car, I suggest you check out Section 3.1.9
of the 2011 GCR

3.1.9 Vintage/Historic races may be included on SCCA programs under the
following conditions:
Vintage/Historic Races
A. The Vintage/Historic segment is provided for in the sanction and
Supplemental Regulations.
B. Each driver is an SCCA member holding an SCCA National, Regional, Vintage
license or an SCCA Novice Permit as provided in App C.2.7.D. and F., or an
SCCA approved license.
The following organizations9 licenses are currently approved by SCCA for
competition in Vintage/Historic events:
1.    Classic Sports Racing Group (CSRG)
2.    Historic Sportscar Racing (HSR)
3.    Society of Vintage Racing Enthusiasts (SOVREN)
4.    Sportscar Vintage Racing Association (SVRA)
5.    Vintage Auto Racing Association (VARA)
6.    Vintage Motorsports Council (VMC)
Please direct any questions about licenses to the Club Racing department in
the National Office.
C.    All Vintage cars must conform to Appendix Z of the SCCA Vintage
Competition Rulebook (VCR), publication #5684 dated March 2005. Roll cages
as defined in Appendix Z of the current VCR are required in all production
cars considered model year 1973 or later. There is no requirement for cars
from model year 1972 or earlier to have roll cages; however, members are
encouraged to install roll cages in such cars where satisfactory
installation can be achieved. At a minimum, roll bars are required for
production cars from model year 1972 or earlier. Where allowed, roll bars
must conform to Appendix Z of the current VCR.
Driver restraint systems must meet current GCR requirements. Driver window
safety net or arm restraints are required in closed cars. Open cars require
arm restraints.
D.    Vintage/Historic cars shall not be allowed to be grouped with any
other SCCA racing classes (except in a Drivers9 School).
E. Former Spec Racer Renaults may compete in Vintage/Historic events. (See

The major change is in Section C relating to roll bar/cage requirements.

The 2011 Oregon Region Supplemental Regulation have been revised to conform
with the new National requirements and can be found here:

Don9t forget about the Region Tech Day on February 19 at PIR.

As always if you have any question regarding the Oregon Region Vintage
program please contact me, Dan Mullin <>, Gary Van Horn
<>, or Spencer Gorham <>.

See you at the track!
David Franks
67 AH Sprite #82 Blue
Suggested annual donation  $11.47

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