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[Vintage-race] vintage gardening?

Subject: [Vintage-race] vintage gardening?
From: charles christ <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 09:42:09 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
ok so i had a complete roll cage from a saab 99 race car we cut up a few years
ago.  it was not a car that was salvageable.   but the whole cage looked as if
it could be dropped into another car , so for what ever lapse of mind at the
time we carefully extracted the whole cage after cutting the roof off the car.
last sunday mary anne & i put in our veggie garden  , next to the shop.  we
planted climbing string beans.  (do not get ahead of me here!) she tells me we
need some kind of structure for the beans to literally climb as they grow.
she heads off to the other side of the shop and calls me (thinking it was
another snake..) i head off with shovel in hand to find her eying up the old
roll cage!  well to make a rather funny conversation short we planted the roll
cage in the garden for the beans to grow up on!   now we are "vintage
gardening"!   and you can not believe the looks from the local farmers (we
live in an area that is mostly tree farming and hay farming , not very many
neighbors! great for that sunday test drive of certain saab powered race
cars....) driving by as the garden plants are only about 6" to 1" high right
now so it looks a lot like a big (about 10' X 20' plot) rectangular area
without grass with a bright oarnge bunch of tubing stuck in it!

'60 saab #251
i guess i'll need a custom sticker on the rear of the race car " will race for
veggies"????????????   LOL!
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