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Can't do it... arrgghh

To: <>, <>
Subject: Can't do it... arrgghh
From: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 11:28:17 -0500
You know, if ya said somethin' about my mama, or did something unkind to my
kids, I'd smash you in the mouth in a heartbeat.




I just can't do this. I just can't.


As I've been preparing for the Blackhawk race, I noticed some sort of bird
had built a nest into the recessed halogen light on the side of my 29' Pace
trailer. Sure as shit, turned out not only were there eggs in it, but the
little buggers hatched. I've been monitoring their progress, hoping the
little bastards would straighten up and fly right long before we needed to
leave for the race.


Well, mother and daddy bird (some sort of red finches) have been very
concerned for their offspring every time I've backed the trailer into the
shop to do any work on it, or load stuff into it. I've kept that time to a
minimum, and the parents immediately fly back to the nest the minute the
trailer rolls back out of the shop.


Of course, if we just load up and go Friday Am, even if the little birds
survived the trip, (they wouldn't. I tow damn fast and they'd be bouncing
off the highway by the time we hit Rt. 41) they'd be waking up in a
different zip code.


I can't do it.


My old enclosed trailer that brother Don has, needs to be loaded and ready
to go to the vintage go kart nationals next week, so its unavailable.


Bottom line is, I'll have to use my open trailer, cram as many spares, the
grille, the Thicktone PA system, etc. into the back of the pickup. 


This is gonna suck


(Those birds better not shit on my cars when they grow up.)



Wm. Severin Thompson <> 

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