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Pittsburgh Vintage Race BeaveRun Historics

To: vintage race <>
Subject: Pittsburgh Vintage Race BeaveRun Historics
From: Ralph Steinberg <>
Date: Sat, 03 Jun 2006 15:19:12 -0400
For all of you that claim to like vintage racing your cars I have the 
race for you! The PVGPA Historics at BeaveRun. This is part of the 
week long celebration that makes up the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand 
Prix. The racing starts with the Historic Races at BeaveRun, where we 
can handle most anything built between 1900 and 1972. We also can 
accept any year make or model Jaguar powered racer and just about the 
same for BMW or Porsche cars.
  For more information, entry forms, fees, rules, and to see who 
already is unentered please go to and click 
the vintage race button. Follow to BeaveRun
  Ralph Steinberg Director of Competition PVGPA BeaveRun

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