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Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix

To: vintage race <>
Subject: Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix
From: Ralph Steinberg <>
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 10:48:20 -0400
To all my fellow jaguar owners and drivers do some paper work snafu's 
the discount entry has been extended to May 15th for the BeaveRun 
entries for the Historic Races at BeaveRun PVGPA. Since Jaguar is the 
marque of the year this year there is a special deal going on for all 
jaguar powered cars. If you run at both events you will get a 
discount and do it all from one form. For those of you who do not 
know it the Historic races at BeaveRun are normally open to all 
production and race cars built prior to 1973. Since Jaguar is the 
ACCEPTED TO RACE. Now before you all send in entries for your daily 
driver the car and you will need to meet certain levels. The car will 
need to pass a full technical inspection and the driver will have to 
belong to a current racing organization or have impeccable driving 
credentials. So saying if you XJS has belts, correct tires and the 
other bits and pieces it could run. Now here is where it gets real 
interesting, if you and your car can pass the muster for BeaveRun and 
you behave yourself at BeaveRun you can run that same car at Schenley 
Park the following weekend. There will be at least one Jaguar only 
group at Schenley Park with it's own race on Sunday and many of you 
may be eligible to race in some other group (At BeaveRun you will run 
in 6 class events and 2 Jag only events)
  I know with the price of fuel this year we are all thinking of 
costs when we make up our race schedule. By coming out to Pittsburgh 
you can save some money; Secure parking for cars and rigs will be 
available at BeaveRun so you only need to tow once for two races. The 
cost of fuel is usually cheaper in western Pa than around here. By 
entering on the Jag power form your check goes directly to the PVGPA 
(they are a full tax deductible organization - how much you claim of 
that fee is between you and the IRS) If you get your entry in before 
May 15th you can run for 4 days for less than many events. Add the 
Friday test and tune day into it and you really get more racing than 
anywhere for the money spent. AT the discount price with the test day 
added in you would get around 4 hours or better of racing for the 
total cast of $550.00 (remember some of this is tax deductible as a 
charity) Now add in one of the best parties around and held at the 
track, under roof, and it gets real hard to beat. But we will add a 
few more things to sweeten the weekend. At BeaveRun there is Slalom 
racing going on also so you can get even more out of your car or 
perhaps your street Jag. We will have a car corral for Jaguars. At 
Schenley there will be a JCNA concurs along with everything else. If 
you would choose to stay out for the week there are all sorts of 
things going on all week long. We will also have tee shirts and 
posters and a driver & crew reception on Friday night.
  This is not something that will come along that often. Closed 
course road racing - slalom - street racing and car shows- and where 
you and your cars are the stars!
  Thanks and hope to see you there
All of the forms, entries, info, motels and the like are available at just click the vintage race button and go to BeaveRun
Ralph Steinberg
Director of Competition PVGPA BeaveRun
1954 XK120  

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