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RE: More Moroso Help

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: More Moroso Help
From: "Ryan, Richard" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 11:23:50 -0700
Good Grief, what have I done to my self?????

This is the third reference to lizards with big teeth.

Dick Ryan  650-312-4022  (24022)
Director of Risk Management
Franklin Templeton Investments
One Franklin Parkway  960/4
San Mateo, CA 94403-1906
Fax 650-312-5830  (25830)

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: More Moroso Help

On Moroso. double late apex EVERYTHING particularly the turns at the 
beginning and end of the main straight.  If you think you are at the apex, go 
50-75 feet. Moroso is a fairly technicaal track where the driver can make a 
The number 1 secret at Moroso is to stay out of the water. There are critters 
you do not want to meet in there.
The whole track is pretty much accessable so watch what others are doing. 
Moroso has been modified substantially, so it is not anywhere near as fast as 
once was. 
Enjoy your visit and watch out for the Florida Highway Patrol collecting 
revenue on 710 on the way to the track. They tend to be around in the morning 
afternoon when people are blasting back to the hotels or are going to the 
track. AIrplanes are also regularly used. 
Notice:  All email and instant messages (including attachments) sent to
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monitored and/or reviewed by FTI and its agents, or authorized
law enforcement personnel, without further notice or consent.

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