Gee, this is really going to happen! After about a quarter of a
century, we may once again have a real road race facility in Utah.
Larry Miller, local car dealer, Utah Jazz owner, Ford Cobra fan, is
building a new track. Check out if
interested. Gee, this might be a bit different than running on cone
lined airport concrete like IVR has been doing for the last 6 years!
[ ]
-- Forwarded Message:
From: "Robert Allred" <>
Subject: Miller Motorsports Park Presentation
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 12:42:47 -0600
I just met with Alan Wilson, CEO and track designer for Miller
Motorsports Park.
He asked me to circulate time and date for a significant presentation
regarding the new track, to be made on Wednesday, September 7th, at 7:00
pm, at the Delta Center. Wow, perhaps they think the Jordan Commons
facilities aren't large enough?
And, in the way of a track progress report, Alan advised that the first
asphalt for the track was laid last night!
Tell everyone you know!
Bob Allred