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Re: Flywheels

Subject: Re: Flywheels
From: "Jim" <>
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2004 14:42:36 -0500 (CDT)

What year MGB is this going on?

Well, you really shouldn't be messing around with a nasty car like that,
I'll send you my address under separate cover and you can just forward
that odd piece of aluminum to me.



Dallas TX
'76 Spitfire DM autocrosser
'61 Morris Mini vintage racer
'70 MGB-GT street car

> Thanks for all the responses about the origin of the flywheel. Seems it's
> a Fidanza wheel by all accounts. Is anyone running one of these units in a
> race car? if so, care to comment?
> My trepidation is based upon the fact that the engine side of the wheel is
> flat, that is, it has no recess for the end of the crank to register into.
> Is this the hot lick for racing, or should I consider it only a good
> street unit?
> All comments appreciated...ok, strike that...all pertinent comments
> appreciated!
> Runnin in circles myself...
>      Nick in Nor Cal

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