In a message dated 7/27/2004 11:54:15 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> Our rationale in coming to this decision was based on providing an overall
> safer and more enjoyable venue for everyone, and hopefully avoiding
> potential
> problems and negatively impacting everyone's track time. This does come at
> a
> price, however, and that is the trouble of changing your coolant.
This is one of the main concerns of any responsible organization. We just
don't have time to waste or an abundance of cars to wreck.
On the West Coast, we have all manner > of vintage exotic machinery running
> just fine on water with and without lubricant additives.
There is no compelling reason why any car cannot use water. Cars ran on water
before glycol came along, so older cars shouldn't have a problem.
> I'm hearing lots of complaints and grumblings about this requirement, but
> we're going to stick to our position on this. My advice is anyone planning
> to
> run on the track...drain your coolant and run water. You and everyone else
> will
> be better off.
Jack Woehrle, SVRA