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FW: Mark Hansen's rig found!

To: "vintage-race" <>
Subject: FW: Mark Hansen's rig found!
From: "Mapes, Glenn" <>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 07:55:50 -0600
It is true - Mark Hanson's race car and rig have been recovered!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Alder []
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 5:45 PM
To: All Members
Subject: Mark Hansen's rig found!

RMVR Members:

Well, sometimes there are happy endings.  Today Mark Hansen's entire rig was
recovered by police.  It was in the vicinity of 58th and Broadway,
unfortunately outside Sunday's RMVR vigilante search area.  By the way, there
was a great turnout of probably 40-50 RMVR members on Sunday to look for the
rig.  Nothing found, but happily it has now been recovered.

No doubt more details, as they become available, will be posted on the
Bulletin Board (Member News forum).  Check it out.  If anyone has hard info,
please post it there for everyone to read.

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