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Motorsports screwed by cable, again

Subject: Motorsports screwed by cable, again
From: Brian Mertz <>
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2004 18:27:18 -0700
Cox Communications, our friendly monopoly cable supplier in Orange 
County, CA, has struck another blow against televised motorsports by 
surreptitiously moving SPEED from its "enhanced" channels to a digital 
sports tier.  This means that race fans will have to cough up for BOTH 
digital cable service and the sports tier, which is 99.9 percent obscure 
stick-and-ball crap.

SPEED has been replaced in the lineup (channel 65) with yet another MTV 
music video channel, and moved to digital channel 318.

I have lodged a strenuous protest (for all the good that will do), and 
suggest that like-minded Cox subscribers do the same (ditto, regarding 
prospective results) if it makes 'em feel any better.

I'm extra pissed because this comes exactly one day before my car is 
scheduled to appear (albeit in a supporting role) on a SPEED program 
featuring Ernie Nagamatsu's "Old Yeller" special from the fabulous '50s.

For those of you lucky enough to still get SPEED, please let me know if 
they show any of my yellow Alfa running around with Ernie's glorious old 

Brian Mertz
'64 Giulia Spider Veloce

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