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Re: Seat Belt Life

To: Lon <>
Subject: Re: Seat Belt Life
From: Mark Haynes <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 16:48:40 -0600
Lon- Check your groups' rules, RMVR says that it is an annual thing, so 
if your belt says 2003, it's good until the end of 2008 (we have a 5 yr 
limit). So I guess in your case, you lose a whole year?
Mark Haynes RMVR

Lon wrote:

>Next question on seat belts...the date of manufacture is punched out on the
>seat belt (SFI tag)...the last set I got yesterday was Dec '02, does that mean
>I lose
>seven months of use due to over-stocking on the seller's part, or can I
>produce the receipt on just when they were received?

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