Hey Youse Guys,
In an effort to combat the beer farts and cigarette smoke of Craig "Fast
Eddie Haskel" Bielat, I indeed will be bringing the hounds from hell and
their collective dog breath to that little funny talkin' suburb to the
north... Canada.
It is with great pleasure I return to Mosport for VARAC's Festival. It's the
best bang for the buck (no, not that kind of bang he said as he gently
touched his ribs) in vintage racing.
The quality of driving is second to none...seriously. The track demands
it... as if you're gonna go fast there, you'll have to be good.
Blackhawk is a rythmn track, as is Grattan. Road America seems more
technical to me, as its toughest turns are lead up to by impossibly fast
straights, and exit uphill.
Mosprt is a courage track. Sure, it combines elements of rythmn, and
technical areas, but, mostly, it requires brass balls to go fast, as the off
camber blind apex turns take the starch out of most.
The last 2 years, I've brought "arm candy" up there... since I didn't have a
race car ready to atone for my upside down adventure 3 years ago, I needed
some sort of entertainment. Of course, the fact that "they" provided some
sort of entertainment for the watchful Thickos wasn't lost on me either.
So, this year, instead of arm candy, I'm bringin' Craig and his Lotus Elite,
and my main racecar, Redrum (Murder spelled backwards, after the dearly
departed Red rat that met its demise at 100mph + at Mosport)and 4 dogs.
Moral of the story... we're comin' up there to race. We'll see if we can
open a big ol can-o-whupass.
We're leaving Wed night... gonna drive til around midnight. We'll get up
early, and should get to the track a lttle after noon Thurs. Because of the
4 hounds from hell (friendly, just big) we may seek some friendly grassy
confines (and bring the pooper scooper).
I look forward to seeing y'all again.
Team Thicko
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