OOOO! Be Nice Jack!
At 11:37 AM 6/24/02 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 6/24/02 3:18:15 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
>> nascar? gag...hack...gasp!
>> chuck
>> still waiting for that we have nascarvision
>Tough talk for a sedan driver. When did SAAB ever build a Sports Car?
All the Best! Dave ;->
Lame Horse Racing
- '66 CP (Vintage Road Racer to be) Formula S Barracuda (AKA GoldFish)
- '66 CP Rust-er-Mustang Coup (AKA Ol'Beastly)
- '91 HS Plymouth Sundance (145,000+ Miles and counting, Just
runs too good to replace)
- '97 Jeep Cherokee (Oh-M'Gosh! Three Recalls!)
Anything worth doing is worth overdoing... College Park, MD
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