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RE: Unsolicited photos

To: Rick Yocum <>,
Subject: RE: Unsolicited photos
From: Derek <>
Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 04:53:01 -0700 (PDT)
Bob Harrington's web site (found by simple search on Google) is
 - "";

--- Rick Yocum wrote:
> Harrington has sent me photos for
> more years than I care to confess.  And I keep the proofs, sometimes
> ordering a shot or two right away, but often times returning to the
> proofs
> months, maybe even a year, later and deciding that I do, indeed, want
> a copy
> of that photo.  He is one first-class guy, and his efforts are
> appreciated.
> I didn't know he offered cards I could use at Christmas, so this is
> an open
> invitation for him to write me and tell me about them.  His shot of
> me
> holding off Bill Feaster in his Falcon (which was all but destroyed
> at
> Savannah last year)at Mid-O is one of my favorite shots of the Nova.
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