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To: Carl McLelland <>
Subject: Re: CSRG
From: Tom and Sharon Shirley <>
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 19:21:16 -0500
Carl McLelland wrote:

> Nope Larry, Your Wrong.
> This letter was about a vintage race organization, problems it is/has
> encountered, and some of the means to cure those problems. Considering the
> number of responses I received off the net, I would say that a lot of the
> problems CSRG is experiencing are also occurring with other organizations
> across the country.

And it's not like there's a bazillion messages in the Vintage-Race box 
to read. I count less than 10 for the past 2 to 3 days. With ss few 
messages, I enjoy reading about other clubs. Unfortunately, CSRG seems 
to be having problems. It's either run it like HSR, where everything's 
got a place to race, or run it like VDCA or SVRA, with stricter rules. 
Sounds like CSRG has t make a decision. Good luck! I hope your club 

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