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IRP update

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: IRP update
From: Brett Johnson <>
Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2001 21:14:06 -0800
I just talked to Dick Naze on the phone and he is doing well, though he is
still in Methodist Hospital.  He said that when he put in the clutch to
downshift prior to turn 1, he felt a whole lot of pain and his right foot
was twisted under the brake and clutch pedal.  The bell housing shrapnel was
responsible for breaking three toes and hyperextending his foot.

With his foot under the pedals he was unable to brake so continued to roll
around the outside of the track exiting around turn 3 into the grass where
it stopped on its own.  Irv, if you have the projectile that hit you in the
head, he'd be happy to autograph it.

He seemed in good spirits, except for not wanting to be in the hospital.  He
hopes to go home tomorrow.

He updated me on the other two injured drivers.  Steve Garrett, the Turner
driver, was admitted with a broken left wrist, mild concussion and back
injury.  He was treated and released.

Phil Cull is still in the hospital and may be for some time.  He has some
back and neck injuries in addition to the broken ankle.  Dick said that he
definitely could use some cheering up, because he is flat on his back.

Phil's room number is 5078-W, phone 317 962-7539, visiting hours 11:30 -
8:30 EST.

Dick also said thanks for those who have offered well wishes.

Brett Johnson

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