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Re: possible virus "Hi, how are you?"

To: "Roger Sieling" <>, <>
Subject: Re: possible virus "Hi, how are you?"
From: "Jim Hill" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 10:33:54 -0500
Roger Sieling wrote:

> . . . I did get the snow white virus on both Home and office
> computers last week complementary of this list. Luckily virus
> scan got rid of both.

It's my understanding that the FOT, Vintage-race and Mark's other mailing lists do NOT forward attachments to list members.
Attachments sent to the list are stripped off by the server and replaced by
a line of text:

    [demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type application/zip which had a
name of [filename]]

But if someone sends a separate copy of an email with an attachment directly
to a named list member, THAT copy doesn't go through the list server, and
the attachment will not be removed from THAT copy.

If you received an email from a list member with an infected attachment, the
odds are that the list member's computer is infected and he/she is probably
not aware of it.

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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