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Re: Pedigrees, Exclusivity and Vintage Racing

Subject: Re: Pedigrees, Exclusivity and Vintage Racing
From: "" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 19:19:30
>1) There'd be no artificial premium on the value of a car with racing
>history - except to the original driver(s).
>2) There'd be about three dozen guys eligible to race (Augie Pabst in his
>Scarab and 35 others), thus reducing the pressure on race organizers to 
>and winnow the burgeoning fields to manageable levels.
>3) Many wonderful old race cars could be preserved for museum use for lack
>of available drivers.
>4) Burt Levy would be have more time to write books.
>Now, if I can only find that Healey 100-6 and the TR4 I raced when they 
>new, I too--for once--could be one of the elite few.
>Jim Hill
>Madison WI

       Why not declare that upon the death of "an old driver" his corpse
       be burned in a funeral pyre along with all the race cars he drove
       (ala a viking cheiftain)?

       This would save valuable museum space which could be used to
       shelter the homeless. It would also eliminate all those nasty
       speculators who drive the prices of cars beyond the means of we
       humble few who really would enjoy owning them...:OP

Greg Petrolati Champaign, Illinois       1962 TR4 (CT4852L)

That's not a leak... My car's just marking its territory...


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