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Re: Neck Muscles

Subject: Re: Neck Muscles
From: "Peter Mohr" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 08:00:59 -0400

A really simple and easy way at least to start, is to place the palm of your 
hand on the side of your head and push - while resisting that pressure with 
your neck muscles..... 30 secs and then swap to other side....amazingly it 
works (probably to a limited extent) but it is convenient, can do anywhere, 
several times a (every)day and needs no prep!

Can also do on forehead and back on head, and while at it, also do some  
stretching, bending head as far forward, sideways etc as comfortable ..... 
and be prepared for some harmless clicking sounds particularly when you 
first start, sounds like your head is about to throw a bearing!

Can move onto more elaborate methods once the basics primed up a bit if need 
be, bt I have found this system adequate..... or I am going too slow to 

Like Chucks suggestion, no Arnie S type muscles and easy, simple and good 
for old fogies like us - even without rigours of racing.

Peter Mohr
Rat Rt1

>From: Derek Harling <>
>Reply-To: Derek Harling <>
>To: Vintage Race <>
>Subject: Neck Muscles
>Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 20:35:59 -0400
>I just got back from my delayed first outing this year (test session) and 
>found that my helmet
>must have gotten 12# heavier than last year.  Any recommendations for 62 
>year old neck muscles


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