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Generator recommendations anyone?

To: "912 digest" <>, "911/993/996 digest"
Subject: Generator recommendations anyone?
From: "Thom Kuby" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 20:53:38 -0700
I'm looking for a GOOD portable generator to use in/around my 20ft race
trailer.  I know absolutely nothing about these little critters - so I seek
your collective wisdom.
- what size? for "normal" use? (what WOULD be considered "normal" use btw?)
- what brand? source?
- what features? capabilities?
- should I stick with something truly portable or find something to attach
to the trailer someplace (and...having just asked that - wheres' a "good
place" in the trailer to put the thing?)

I guess thats' enough newbie questions for now...Anyone? I'm looking forward
to your input.  While this sort of information will benefit the general list
audiences - please copy responses to me offline as well.  This way I'll
definitely receive your email...I don't always get around to reading these
huge digests.
Thanks in advance .  I appreciate your time.
Thom Kuby

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