In a message dated 3/28/01 11:34:35 AM, writes:
<< I don't see that "vintage spirit" too often any more. I see many torn up
race cars at every vintage race. Possibly
more than at an SCCA race. I am sure the cost of repair is much greater.
And cheating! Please. Vintage rarely
checks motors. How many FF's have 5 spd gearboxes and other questionable
engines. We won't even get to the
other vintage cars.
So no one group is better than another. >>
We're not better than any other vintage group, but we are trying to be
different than most. The elusive "vintage spirit" is alive an well at VDCA
events. We place our emphasis on (in no particular order of importance):
period correct cars, track time in a relaxed, low pressure atmosphere and
great parties.
We enforce the 13/13 rule and our first year was exceptionally clean. I
think we had one incident resulting in damaged race cars.
We also actually check cars for rule compliance and require certain
minimum standards for all cars. That does not mean that we are unreasonable
about car preparation. We have not rejected any car presented for Tech at a
VDCA event for compliance issues.
Our next event will be at Virginia International Raceway on April 20-22.
We already have a lot great cars that have submitted entries for this event.
Come on out and judge for yourself as to whether the "vintage spirit" can
still be found in vintage racing these days.
VDCA will also host an "open" event at Roebling Road May 4-6.
Doug Meis - Small Displacement group rep.