I think that as important as danger is; it's still a distant third of the
top 3 reasons not too race, behind today's other 2 issues, time and money.
-----Original Message-----
From: greenman62@hotmail.com [mailto:greenman62@hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 2:28 PM
To: cfchrist@earthlink.net; John.Desantis@inficon.com;
Subject: Re: Honesty
>yes , this has put some pressures on here in my home. i just find it
>rather amusing that i do not follow nascar, yet it has followed me home.
Chuck et al...
I'm not a racer (except in my mind and the occasional autocross)....
However, when a $600 TR4 "followed me home". My wife's only
comment was, "Use your own money..." When I felt guilty about
"excessive" time I was spending in the garage, Her response
was, "Well... I know where you are... and it's not hangin' out at a
bar or running with loose women."
There are a lot of more hazardous activities out in the world than
racing. You just have to do all that can be done is in your control
to to stay safe... And let the important people in your life know
you have.
I think in my case my wife (a flower child) was really glad I gave
up blackpowder gun making.
Greg Petrolati