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Re: Rules and 'Cheating'

To: <>, <>, <>,
Subject: Re: Rules and 'Cheating'
From: "Roger Sieling" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 08:12:21 -0500

There are RC's at all levels of racing. There are even people who make it to
the SCCA runoffs who are lapped within 5 laps of the start. These people, I'm
sure have no hope or vision of standing on the podium, ever, but want to be
out there in the highest level of their club's activities. Think about it,
there are CART and IRL and even F1 cars and drivers that are out there with no
hope of ever even leading a lap. Remember Hiro's Panasonic car.

Since the runoffs have been at Mid-Ohio, I've been every year. I hate it when
some SCCA racer claims that vintage racing is not real racing, partly because
there is no contact. Then I point out the full contact FF, SRF and FC races
where there are more laps under full course yellow than under green. Is that
real racing?

Oh, and yes, I did race SCCA for a couple years, but the vintage cars and
non-contact racing is more to my liking. And yes, I watch my mirrors cause I'm
not the fastest guy out there and I'm not so stuck on winning that I'm not
going to give some suspect driver an extra bit of room or wait a turn or two
to get past if I don't think he knows what I'm doing or even that I'm there.
Also, Bill, if your not devoting 100% of your thought process to what's going
on on the track, then I think you should sit that one out. I've never seen
anyone talking on a cell phone while on the track, but we all know what
happens when people don't pay attention when driving, even on the street.

Back when I used to race bicycles, I came up with this little thought: No
matter how fast or slow you think you are, there will always be someone who
will be faster or slower than you, if not today, then tomorrow.


>>> <> 01/17/01 06:45PM >>>
In a message dated 17/01/01 3:03:44 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

But Bill, we do call it racing.

That's another, and different, issue - many (most?) people now vintage racing
never raced in SCCA or CASC racing. Many of them are out there having a high
speed tour - I call them roving chicanes (RCs for short).

If you are one of the ones like me, that whenever it is safe to do so, and
whenever the competition is there, puts together a few laps of real racing,
great - I'd hope to see you out there.  I ran ICSCC and CASC for many years,
and still enjoy a real battle, but am able to put a reef or two in my sails
without much regret (something I'd have had a hard time doing in the old
days) if I come upon one of the RCs out having a good time (though usually
not paying much attention to his mirrors).

If you think that vintage racing is the same thing as regular racing, where
you have to be at absolute peak attention for a half an hour, running at the
ragged edge, not wasting a tenth of a second that you can help, I would
respond that I'm not sure I'd WANT to be out there while you are doing that
(too much like target shooting with kids and dogs running all over the range).

Just my opinion, and I do note the many guys that at least talk a serious
race, or like to think they are of a calibre that would do well at a
National. If you aren't, or haven't been, an SCCA type, ask one of the guys
that still runs _current_ SCCA, and also runs vintage,  what he thinks of
vintage some time. Just don't do it in front of the RCs - you wouldn't want
to hurt their feelings.

Bill S.

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