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Race at the Base (RATB)

To: The List <>
Subject: Race at the Base (RATB)
From: Bob Williams <>
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 17:26:14 -0500 (EST)
On behalf of the Virginia Beach Racing Association the following 
notice needs to be given to the Vintage Race Community with regards
to Race at the Base. Many of you have called & E-M me about
a spring date for 2001.  It is with regret that I tell you the 
Navy & VBRA were unable to find a time slot that fit the needs of the 
to Navy & the time table of the vintage community.  Both sides are in 
agreement & continue discussion for a possible 2002 RATB.
The support of those of you that attended was greatly noticed by the Navy,
and VBRA.  Best Wishs for a SAFE Season my Friends!
In the Spirit of the Sport!
Bob Williams
Race Event Director VBRA/RATB

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