Has anyone ever given any thought to support of the opposed track by direct
participation in the community by the home SCCA region & visiting racers?
Would it be possible for local regions of tracks in danger (and not) to help
by starting, say, a scholarship fund for the local community? I mean, after
all, we racers are not only the greasy fingernail crowd, but are also
lawyers, engineers, accountants, business people, doctors, etc. This could
possibly show affected communities our support to them for being gracious
enough to tolerate our presence on weekends, etc. How about a fund for
community improvement? What about "Adopt a HIghway", complete with road
sign and all? I think often that track owners end up fighting these battles
themselves and then we all lose. Maybe we should be proactive at all tracks
and not wait until trouble starts.
Eric Swanger
-----Original Message-----
From: Bell <twobells@erols.com>
To: vintage-race@autox.team.net <vintage-race@autox.team.net>
Date: Thursday, December 07, 2000 9:24 AM
Subject: Re: Summit Point Zoning Woes
>Unfortunately the majority in this country seem to prefer subdivisions and
>strip malls (and the clogged roadways that go with them). Fighting to save
>S.P. will be similar to what we have encountered here in Annapolis, MD
>fighting to preserve open space - a lot of opposition! But it is not
>- particularly if we can find local citizens who want to keep the track
>(without the restrictions).
>Does anyone know Bill Scott's email so that we can send our names as
>supporters. He may need a large turn-out at a county meeting when this
>to a head.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Bryan Appleby
>To: LMR356@aol.com ; Mactds@aol.com ; vintage-race@autox.team.net
>Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 2:32 PM
>Subject: Re: Summit Point Zoning Woes
>Take a step back, we from our glassy eye euphoria of racing or dare I say
>cult. How many times have you spoke to friends and or relatives, for those
>of us that have friends outside the racing community, and they follow your
>conversations with head nods and a few guttural responses. Yep, the
>majority, yes majority think of what you and I do is an extravagant hobby.
>For the privileged few that can allot thousands of dollars of a house hold
>budget to a hobby, I call it entertainment factor rather than tourism.
>is the public and public response that needs to be won over when meeting
>opposition of ones that want to condemn racing and their facilities. We
>need to get over the euphoria and recognize we are the "minority."