Hi All,
I was at the race, viewing from the corkscrew. I saw Carl go through with
the engine cover pointing straight up acting like an air brake. I
immediately looked up at the turn workers at the base of the corkscrew and
further up at the entrance. Both turn workers were looking right at the car
as it went through the curves so I was sure that everyone knew. I even
thought I heard the closer turn worker speak on his headphone and then he
turned to another worker that was sitting with him. Carl's car even
appeared to be going through the curves slowly and I remember thinking it
was weird that he didn't just pull off the track. There were no flags
exhibited. I assumed that the car would continue, slowly, to the pit
entrance only a few curves away.
I was absolutely shocked that no one stopped the car as it progress nearly
all the way around the track again and back to the corkscrew. The wreck was
only a few hundred feet away from where I was standing, nearly 2.2 miles
after I had seen him go by with the problem.
I can't imagine what on earth prevented the officials from stopping him
before the accident.
> Story is that the front of his air intake tower came adrift, rolled
> back onto the wing and was at least partially responsible for the
> shunt.. As far as I could tell, no other cars were involved.
> Another oddity was that the incident was reported to have occurred in
> the back stretch where the it was not visible from any corner worker
> station, which seemed odd. Perhaps the corkscrew workers were not
> looking up-track, only down the hill.
> Steve Earl and another F1 driver spent a lot of time at the incident
> site.
> By the way Carl is a long time CSRG member, having served as
> president. He is also a hilarious speaker.
> Thats all I kinda know.
> Malcolm