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Another Wendover story

Subject: Another Wendover story
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 10:24:53 EDT

Thanks for the report on the Wendover Racing scene.  My last visit there was 
as support crew for my engine builder, Al Burtoni.  He and some other 
Bonneville racers had rented the "salt" for some testing.  At the time, I 
brought my Audi 5000 Turbo Quattro street car as the chase car.  We ended up 
doing 147 down the salt with 5 guys in it (one of them filming with video) 
chasing Al's one of a kind Lamborghini Countach salt racer (he ended up with 
a record in his normally aspriated class @ 201.something).

The excitement that weekend came when we screwed up by staying out on the 
salt too long and it got dark.  Then, we couldn't find the "trail" back to 
the park where the access road is (at the time, we didn't know the trick of 
aiming for the V in the mountains).  We ended up getting his Dually and 5th 
wheel trailer stuck up to the axles after getting into a "thin" area in the 
salt.  Man, is it strange out there at night!!  Fortunately, the Audi carried 
us all back to Wendover for the evening.  The next day, we found some old 
codger who ran the wrecker service in Wendover, who brought out his 
Peterbuilt tow truck with about 5 miles of cable on it!!  He could stay on 
the thick part of the salt and run the cable to where we were and pull us 
out....quite an adventure.  For a while, we thought we might be leaving the 
whole rig there as a new monument to racing!

I'd consider coming to Wendover for a race...its a great place with nice 
hotels, casinos, and entertainment.  Now if you guys can just get it 
coordinated with RMVR, or whoever, and get that Park City race off the ground 
that's been talked about for years...THAT would be something!!  I'd 
definitely make the trip for that!!

Myles H. Kitchen
1965 Lotus Cortina Mk1 #128

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