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Vintage Racing & Liability

Subject: Vintage Racing & Liability
From: "Mark Palmer" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 16:04:46 GMT

A while back I posted a question regarding liability exposure of 
participants in vintage races.  Since then I have learned a bit about this, 
and felt I was obliged to pass on some of the info.

Again, if this subject offends you, please just delete this message NOW & 
read no further.  Also, please let's NOT start another round of stupid 
lawyer bashing (are there any other kind of lawyers?  OOPS, sorry, there I 

My thanks to Larry Dent for providing the best feedback to my initial 

In summary, in my research so far I have not found a single instance of an 
amateur race driver being successfully sued.  Nearly all the suits I have 
found, were against race track owners and/or race organizers.  Also, the 
waiver/release form that you sign when you enter the track seems to hold up 
very well in court.  Also, the courts have generally upheld the "assumption 
of risk" defense in nearly every case I've reviewed.  Another effective 
defense in some cases, has been contributory negligence.  Bottom line seems 
to be that you would probably have to do something INTENTIONAL, or be 
GROSSLY negligent (a willful & wanton disregard for safety) to be held 

The above is admittedly a gross oversimplification of the subject, but I do 
not want to bore the readers on this list with too much info about a rather 
unsavory topic.  Please don't jump down my throat with some obscure case 
involving junior riders in sulkies and a sympathetic jury, it's probably out 
there somewhere.

If you would like more info, you can look for references regarding "sports 
law", and specifically "torts in sports".  I couldn't find any in my local 
libraries or booksores, but the dot-com bookstores have some.  Again, not 
many cases in auto racing, but some of the cases involving horse racing, 
hockey, football & baseball are interesting.

Respectfully yours,
Mark Palmer


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