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Help with Nepal Vintage Organization

To: <>
Subject: Help with Nepal Vintage Organization
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 22:54:18 -0400
I'm passing along this letter which came to me at my website

-----Original Message-----
From: Nepal Incentive & Convention Association
Subject: vintage and classic car catagories

Dear Sir,
I wonder if you could kindly help me regarding setting up all an
association here in Nepal to cover vintage and classic cars. What I need is
an official document which I can present to our government showing the
1. What constitutes vintage cars (up to what date is an automobile
considered a vintage car)
2. What constitutes a classic car.
3. Are there any other catagories involved in forming an assocition of this

If by any chance your unable to assists in my quest would greatly
appriciate any suggestions.

I take this opportunity to thank you in advance of your kind help. Please
kindly contact me at my personel Email Address-
as shown about.
With kind regards,
Dom Rana.
Joe Mansfield

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