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Me 'n Bill

Subject: Me 'n Bill
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 01:13:00 EDT
Bill Elliot was getting in some practice at Sears Point today.Big black 
unmarked whatever it is he drives, blew by me a few times this afternoon. He 
was husslin' that taxi around pretty quick. I was in a Lola 440 ( I 
know...This is my non vintage car) and chased him down through the esses once 
or twice and almost out braked him in 11, but then as soon as he got the nose 
pointed toward some daylight he was gone.
This of course was all very hush-hush..No one was supposed to know who was in 
the black car , but of course we all knew. There were only about 6 of us 
testing so he had plenty of room. For a while at first he was following a 
Russell school car..Learning the line I guess..Anyway me and Bill had a fine 
time in the 100 degree heat today..
Jerry Burr
Lotus 51
Devin special
Lola 440....I know !

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