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Re: Around the world...

To: <>
Subject: Re: Around the world...
From: "Elton Clark" <>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 20:47:10 -0500
Okay, this is getting out of hand:

Jim opines that the 2CV secret is in the suspension travel . .

Carter recounts the success of a '55 (!) race success . .

As the ex-owner of  a '67 2CV  I am driven to comment . . .  Tho' true that
they seem terrifying fast when driven in a spirited manner: all heeled over
with the doorhandles dragging the pavement in every corner, screaming 2
cylinder 18 horsepower engine noises,
125 x 380 bicycle tire scrabbling for a grip,  .  .  .in actual fact, they
are only going about 12 miles an hour!!!!!  As to being able to place well
in competitive events, there is a simple explanation:  anyone following is
terrorized by the sight of the lurching, gyrating mobile dust-bin with it's
panels and canvas flapping in the wind and they are plain afraid of getting
close enough to pass!

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