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A different race format

Subject: A different race format
From: "Mark Palmer" <>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 14:39:21 GMT

At the VSCCA VIR event, we had a special race for all the MG's (featured 
marque) and did something rather unusual.  I thought I'd share it in case 
other race organizers want to try something different.

Briefly, we ran a "handicap/match race".  Using lap times, we made up  the 
usual handicap formula that would theoretically have all 20-some MG's 
crossing the finish line together (nothing new in that format).  The new 
wrinkle we came up with was this: we asked each participant to identify a 
"buddy", another MG with very similar lap times.  We then released TWO (or 
three) cars at a time, at the calculated intervals, from pit out, so that 
there were a dozen little "match races" within the overall handicap race.

The drivers really enjoyed it as a change, and the spectators loved it!

Now before anyone jumps down my throat ... yes, there are safety issues to 
be dealt with.  At this track, with this size field, and these specific 
drivers, it worked.  It wouldn't work everywhere, "your results may vary" as 
they say and we assume no liability.  You also need some pretty cooperative 
T&S people and pit marshalls.  Many thanks to Peter Krause, overall Event 
Chairman, who supported our creative lunacy.

If your group is interested in some different formats, and just plain 
"having fun" as opposed to hard-nosed racing, you're welcome to use this & 
welcome to contact me off-line if you want more details.

Mark Palmer
MG Vintage Racers
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