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Re: Speed Differentials

Subject: Re: Speed Differentials
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 18:51:46 -0800
George Carlin had this great routine about driving. He referred to the cars
as "big iron things". He said something to the effect of "You have to guide
your big iron thing out there among all the other big iron things and avoid
hitting any of the other big iron things." Perhaps we should hire him as a
driving instructor. ;=) wrote:
> In a message dated 3/22/00 8:00:07 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> << wrote:
>  > The trick is for all of the cars in a group to avoid hitting anyone else.
>  Geez - that's a good idea. Was it original?
>  Derek >>
> I think so. The way so many racers throw red herrings about as to what is
> wrong with vintage racing, and what causes people to to wreck each other, it
> is amazing how the obvious is sometimes passed over.
> jw

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