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Re RATB 2000

To: The List <>
Subject: Re RATB 2000
From: Bob Williams <>
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 13:04:35 -0500 (EST)
   The Second (2nd) Annual "Race at the Base" will take place on May 5, 6,
& 7th ,2000 at the Naval Air Station Oceana, Virginia Beach, Virginia. The
event is a fund raiser for the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society. The Navy 
has moved the runways the event will be run on to the prime location on
the Air Station.  Eleven (11) acres of Paddock, 29 acres of parking for 
specators, a fly over by F-14, & F-18's is planned, Racing for Vintage 
race cars on the mostly barrier free Oceana runways on a 13 plus turn
course that is 2.424 miles long, A very safe pit area for the Enduro,
Lots of enteresting track time learning the new course, A Friday evening
run to the Beach with the RACE CARS in Parade formatt per last year, &  
a Party at the Base Officers CLUB for all.
To request ENTRY information contact
570 724 5385
Bob Williams
Virginia Beach Racing Association
570 724-5794
The Beach room rates are low as its off season, great Virginia & NAVY
Hospitality & Charm, plus all the Atlantic wonder of Virginia Beachs
,great Seafood, shopping, Museums, & warm spring weather await the 
entrants to RATB. This is the only time you can race on an active
airport circuit typical of the 50's on the East Coast this season.
Bring your friends to RATB.

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