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Re: While on Helmets

To: "John A. Rollins" <>, <>
Subject: Re: While on Helmets
From: "Eric Swanger" <>
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 12:02:03 -0000
I wish you had mentioned this a few weeks back!  I just bought a Simpson
Voyager 8,and would have gladly taken you up on this offer!

Eric Swanger
-----Original Message-----
From: John A. Rollins <>
To: <>
Cc: <>;
Date: Saturday, February 12, 2000 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: While on Helmets

>One more item.  At last year's local PCA event I won a gift certificate
>for a Simpson Voyager helmet (the cheapest model, of course) which has a
>value of about $260.  I am sure they will let the holder upgrade using
>the certificate.  However, I've got a Bell Helmet head and will not be
>using this.  I am willing to sell the certificate to someone who needs
>it for $200.  This would give them the opportunity to try sizes etc.
>before ordering the helmet from the Simpson directly (I think that's the
>only way you can use the certificate).

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