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Re: Need steering rack help

To: "'Vintage'" <>
Subject: Re: Need steering rack help
From: "Elton Clark" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 21:36:48 -0600
Larry wrote:

> Gerald, you need to think about that one.  Unless the LHD
> rack you choose to "flip" is designed to attach to steering
> arms that are opposite of the car you plan to "flip" it onto
> you will face serious racing challenges.  You see, when you
> turn the steering wheel to the right, you'll go left; and
> when you turn the steering wheel left you'll go right.  Of
> course I guess one could get used to that.

One of the jillion legends told of  Colin Chapman of Lotus fame is of an
early day error in rack mount on a race car resulting in the reverse
steering effect . . .  Unfortunately, they only had about 30 minutes to get
to a nearby track for entry - not enough time to change it.  Two or three
guys tried to drive it - no one could even get it out the gate!  Chapman
climbed in and drove it all the way without incident!   We assume (!)  that
they changed it before the race.


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