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Re: vintage-race-digest V1 #462 observations...

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: vintage-race-digest V1 #462 observations...
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 09:49:09 -0500
Come on Bahn, you're a GREAT deal faster than that, but it is a nice
compliment to both Mark Palmer and I  ;-)

The Nissan 'box conversion on Spridgets has been a popular one in SCCA Club
Racing for years, but I urge listers to note, all the sanctioning bodies on
the East Coast (including HSR) say something similar, let's see here...

" It is our policy for cars to be restored to and/or maintained in the
configuration as they were raced in the year of manufacture. The only
modifications which are acceptable are those required in the interest of
safety. Modifications which increase performance to contemporary standards
are not permitted..."
-taken verbatim from Historic Sportscar Racing, Ltd. 2000 Rules and
Regulations revised 11/29/99 Page 1, Policy:

I'm not bashing anyone here, but Myron Greene was quite right in his
observation that "every vintage car, according to the rules, should not be
eligible for HSR..." ...and some others...
The first post from Joe Chimbolo was the best, and Analog Mike will have a
TON of Porsche's to race with this year at Lime Rock. I love this list,
because most people think and the exchange of ideas like this are the future
of vintage and historic racing.

Thanks Craig, that's the quote that means the most!

-Peter Krause (waiting for Kershaw in March, Spring in Savannah and VSCCA at

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