Many thanks to all who offered suggestions on learning how to double
clutch and heel/toe downshift on the TR-2/4A series.
I'm getting to the point where double clutching is smooth and habitual,
since I can do it in my daily driver ('94 Nissan Altima).
Heel toe is another story. Pedal positions make it doable in the Nissan
and the TR-3A - using my instep on the brake and toe on the accellerator.
Brake pedal position and travel are marginal.
There's something wrong with the acc position on the TR-4A. It's too
high and needs to be readjusted. Also the brake pedal travel is excessive.
I agree that a pressure modulated brake pedal is far superior to the usual
position modulated approach.
Learning suggestions from the list have been helpful, as is the
discussion in "Bob Bondurant on HIgh Performance Driving" (a *terrific*
book if you are looking for an intro to driving race cars).
Thanks again.
John Cowan
PS Enjoyed the reminiscences of driving Forties trucks with no synchronizers.
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