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VDCA Schedule for 2000

Subject: VDCA Schedule for 2000
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 15:42:33 EST
VDCA Press Release from Alex Quattlebaum, Jr.                                January 3, 2000


The Vintage Drivers Club of America (VDCA) will be the first all vintage 
group to host an event at the new Carolina Motorsports Park in Kershaw, SC,  
and at the recently rebuilt VIR near Danville, VA. These tracks will offer 
new challenges and a chance to visit one of the famous tracks from the past.  
Please use the web sites listed below to learn more about the tracks that we 
visit and the VDCA, which is a period authentic club.

SCHEDULE FOR 2000   &                   TRACK WEB SITE
March 10-12  Carolina Motorsports Park, Kershaw, SC
April 21-23     Virginia International Raceway, Danville, VA     
May 12-14    Roebling Road,  Savannah, GA     
July 28-30   Moroso, West Palm Beach, FL  
Dec 8-10    Roebling Road, Savannah, GA   

Carolina Motorsports Park -  March 10 to 12, 2000  - Our 2000 season will 
open  at the new track in Kershaw, SC,  just north of Camden, SC and 45 miles 
south of Charlotte. The track is recently completed and should be a great  
start for the new Millennium. VDCA will be the first vintage group to have an 
event at this new track.  All of our classes will be accommodated and an 
endurance race is planned for all of you that have requested that one be 
included. Peter Krause has driven the track, reports that it is really a fun 
and challenging setup, and Peter will be on hand on the Thursday to do a 
drivers school and orientation. 

VIR- “The Homecoming”  April 21-23,  2000  - VDCA will be the first vintage 
group to have an event at the very impressive and recently refurbished track 
just outside of Danville, VA.  With the "homecoming" activities planned, this 
could be the best race weekend for the 2000 season.  Fellow racer Harvey 
Siegel has taken  the historic track in hand and has put his racing 
experience to good use. The VDCA will use the entire 3.27 mile road course, 
which has been widened and safety enhanced.  The track was the scene of many 
famous races in the past and operated from 1957 to 1974.  One of the stated 
aims of the VDCA is to limit the number of entries so that everyone gets 
meaningful seat time. This may mean that we will have to turn away 
applications as we will not mix groups, so please get your entry in early!

Roebling Road Savannah- May 12-14, 2000  - One of our favorite tracks will 
host our Mayfest 2000 with the traditional parties and racing.        

Moroso-  West Palm Beach, Florida. July 28-30, 2000 - Our mid summer meet 
will be at the challenging 2.5 mile road course at Moroso Motorsports Park 
near West Palm Beach, Florida. We will keep you informed as to the special 
events planned for this summer meeting.

Roebling Road - Savannah, GA. December 8-10, 2000 - We will return to this 
user friendly track for the final event of the year. Jack and Vicki Abbott 
have taken over the management of this track and improved it in every way. 
Again the pig picking and champagne feast will be punctuated with great 
racing and good fun. Don't miss it.

We plan to add another event for 2000, between the July Moroso event and the 
December. Savannah Event.

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