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Re: Header for Formula Ford

To: "Karnopp, Roger J" <>,
Subject: Re: Header for Formula Ford
From: "Robert Alder" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 22:20:44 -0700
Yikes.  I was going to suggest HiTech.  They built several mild steel FF
(Titans and Lolas all the same) sets for several of us in RMVR probably 4
years ago. As I recall they were $400-$500, but my memory is vague.  We did,
however, also spend the couple of hundred to then have them jet-coated when
they were still brand new.  All of them are still fine, almost like new,
including mine.  And I run 8-10 events per year.   Can't imagine how great
s/s must be!

-----Original Message-----
From: Karnopp, Roger J <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 11:38 AM
Subject: Header for Formula Ford

>I need to get a new header fabricated for my Titan MK-6 Formula Ford.  Has
>any one experienced if stainless steel is less prone to cracking in headers
>than mild steel.   I talked with Hitech Exhaust and they have given up on
>building headers out of mild steel and will only fabricate with Stainless
>T304 ($1,100 for Formula Ford).  Is it really worth the extra money?  Also
>if anyone knows of other custom header fabricators please pass these names
>Roger Karnopp
>Formula Ford Titan MK-6

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