I used a Porsche 911 plug in an MG years ago, had to retap the oil pan
fitting, which I did on the car. I retapped it using a magnetized tap holder
and a magnet attached to the oil pan right behind the fitting, then used a
magnet thru the hole to remove residual tapping chips. For extra protection I
flushed out the pan afterwards by pouring kerosene directly thru the oil
return holes in the head that drained directly into the pan. Obviously the
magnet won't work on an aluminum pan.
Also used the same on a 2002 BMW , but there the threads were the same. Note
that the 911 plug seals with an copper crush washer, and you need to provide a
flat smooth surface for that.
I have also seen magnets fastened to a modified drain plug. Using a round
cylindrical shaped magnet, drill a hole in the plug of the same diameter,
insert magnet and using a center punch stake the magnet in place around the
circumferance. If my memory is correct, that is how the 911 factory piece was
__/ \__
I I__ I I
I______I<-------threaded body
I____I<--------hex for wrench
Mario Langsten
Bow, NH
Malcolm Cox wrote:
> Does anyone know of a source of a magnetic drain plug for my MGA (perhaps
> similar in MGB or sprite?) gearbox and back axle. This is a tapered pipe
> thread style, thread about 1" OD ( I can look it up if I get a lead)
> To be fussy, I also want one which ends in a hexagon which I can drill for
> safety wire, seems most drain plugs for this marque have either a square
> socket or hex socket which does not lend itself to safety wiring.
> Malcolm Cox