Lots of good discussion here. Keep it up. Our sport needs this open
I couldn't agree more that strict discipline of racing attitudes is critical
to the health of vintage racing, with the emphasis on "vintage." Therein
lies the problem --defining exactly what is meant by "vintage racing." I
believe our sport has grown so very popular because we have become a venue
for good, clean, often hard, but gentlemen's racing (No sexist intent. Just
can't think of a proper gender-neutral term.). Vintage racing has replaced
SCCA as a venue for this type of fun racing. No doubt, vintage racing has
evolved considerably since it's start 15 years ago. But it has become
popular BECAUSE it has evolved. If it were still just old guys touring
briskly in old cars, it would not have flourished. On the other hand, if we
let it go over the hump in terms of attitudes, car carnage, rules, fun
factor, etc. we will succumb to the same fate as SCCA.
So, the idea of SVRA's point system has absolute merit from the standpoint
of knowing the rules of conduct and the consequences of screwing up. Very,
very important to control the kiddies. But, at RMVR we tried a precise
points system and found it had it's problems with subjectivity of terms and
points. We've found it is better to simply let everyone know the broad
perimeters of acceptable behavior and then make damn sure that the
stewarding process is highly visible, consistent, very prompt, and
publicized. And the standards are very simple - Aggressive driving, winning
at all costs, taking chances, and car damage simply can't be tolerated.
There's no preventative measure like seeing your fellow racer sanctioned for
something that your yourself can only mutter, "There, but for the grace of
God, go I."
None of this is easy, but it's sure worth the effort if we can keep vintage
racing vibrant and healthy. Judging by the uproar over Sterling Moss's
recent "incident" I'd say we are collectively on the right track (no pun
intended). But we must be vigilant and keep on top of it, even if it means
a point system. What ever works for the individual club.
P.S. Question. IF in fact (this is a theoretical question) Mr.. Moss did
goof up, should he be sanctioned? Loaded question. Of course he should.
The LAW can't be selectively applied, whether is Mr. Moss, or Mr.. Joe Blow,
big bore, small bore, high buck car, low buck car. Consistency and erring
on the side of "maybe you should sit this one out" is our only hope.