Phil Hill had/has a lifelong passion for Pierce "Arrows"
and was partner in Hill & Vaughn restorations, so he
doesn't treat these things as blunt instruments (no pun
intended) I am sure... wrote:
> In a message dated 9/23/99 10:17:22 PM Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << It seems to me that we cross over a critical line when we put real race
> drivers in our cars. To theses guys, these cars we cherish are simply blunt
> objects designed to get them to the winner's circle. That's how they treated
> the cars when they were new, it's how many of them treat them now. >>
> Isn't that a little unfair to the "real race drivers" like Phil Hill and
> Brian Redman, who may have treated car like tools when they were new, but now
> have a proper respect for the old beasts. When was the last time either one
> of these gentlemen had an "at fault" incident.