In a message dated 9/23/99 12:20:12 PM, writes:
<<"Anyway, the story goes that, after the first incident Stirling came
ungluded at being suspended and really teed off on Steve. (not an
intelligent move if you want to be a part of the Monterey Historice). This
year Steven and Stirling were in the back of a limo heatedly discussing the
latest incident. Evidently Stirling was pressing his point that he should
recieve dispensation because of his racing history. Steve's response was
"Only World Champions recieve dispensation. You are NOT a World Champion".">>
It sounds like a great story. My suspicion is that it is just that - a
story. I have a hard time beleiving that Steve Earle (& I know he has his
detractors out there) would say something so crass.
Doug Meis.