Well, clearly it's the amateur yachtsman. A boat is the only OTHER thing
that can suck money out of your wallet as fast, and produce ear to ear
grins as easily. An amateur yachtsman is in it for the love of the sport,
and so are we. It might be true that definition 7 applies to the Thicko
bunch, but that's another story...
DonJQueen@aol.com wrote:
> I give up - here are all the definitions of Corinthian used in the Western
> World. Which one pertains to Vintage Racing ?
> Don Queen
> Co*rin*thi*ans (noun plural but singular in construction)
> : either of two letters written by St. Paul to the Christians of Corinth and
> included as books in the New Testament
> of, relating to, or characteristic of Corinth or Corinthians
> of or relating to the lightest and most ornate of the three ancient Greek
> architectural orders distinguished esp. by its large capitals decorated with
> carved acanthus leaves
> 1 : a native or resident of Corinth, Greece
> 2 : a merry profligate man
> 3 : Luxurious
> 4 : Licentious
> 5 : an amatuer yachtsman
> 6 : ornate
> 7 : a man about town who lives dissolutely