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Re: Passing

To: Jack W Drews <>
Subject: Re: Passing
From: Susan and John Roper <>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 20:31:51 -0500
Well said.  John

Jack W Drews wrote:

> I wrote out my comments regarding the Monterrey debacle, left them in
> the "unsent messages" folder, and trashed them. What a disappointment
> that a driver of Moss's stature would try a Zanardi-like maneuver that
> could not possibly succeed, and in someone else's extremely rare car, to
> boot.. I saw the incident and its replays.  All of us racers
> occasionally pull a truly stupid maneuver and that was his (choose one)
> senior moment or ego moment, I guess.
> However, the whole thing brings to mind a subject near and dear to my
> heart -- namely, the proper code of ethics for passing:
> 1. Punting another car out of the way is forbidden and should be
> punished.
> 2. Blocking a clearly faster overtaking car is not done (I'm talking
> here about a car that is lapping you, or a clearly faster car that for
> whatever reason is behind you -- like a Corvette behind a Sprite or a n
> XKE behind my TR4.
> 3. Blocking another car of the same speed is bad manners and bad
> sportsmanship -- unless it is on the last lap and is for finishing
> position.
> 4. For cars of nearly equal speed, fighting for position, whose corner
> is it? It's really simple -- if the overtaking car CAN BE SEEN WITH
> PERIPHERAL VISION by the overtaken driver, the corner belongs to the
> overtaking car. This means that the overtaking car must have its front
> fender at least halfway alongside the overtaken car.
> 5. If the overtaking car is 'kinda' alongside, say its front fender is
> abreast of the overtaken car's rear fender, the corner belongs to the
> car in front -- the driver can't necessarily see the passing car, and
> the passing car has no right to the leading car's line.
> These are the practices followed by respected drivers in every auto
> racing venue.
> Okay, go ahead.
> --
> uncle jack
> TR4 - 10 mpg
> TR6 - 30 mpg
> (plus a few other differences)

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