What i do is remove any fluid from the reserviors, fill with new fluid and
bleed out using whatever method you prefer. Once you see clean new fluid
coming from each corner, you're done. If I was worried I'd bleed about a
quarter litre from each corner, that would drain the lines and cylinders of
that part of the system. If you're redoing the brakes anyway, why not
totally drain the system and start from scratch?
Brake fluid is cheap. Anything on a race car that costs less than three
digits, I feel ahead of the game. Lately I haven't done anything to my car
that costs less than a comma!
At 01:26 PM 08/26/1999 -0400, you wrote:
>I am redoing the brakes on my 1967 MGB vintage race car. I have been
>advised that it would be a good idea to flush my brake fluid.
>I will be changing the type of fluid I am using, the old fluid is an
>"unknown" and probably a mixture of many fluids. The new fluid is AP 550.
>While it is not necessary to flush the system it has been recommended to me
>that I do.
>Since the cost of the new replacement fluid is so great, is there a way to
>flush the system without wasting the new fluid? Or do I just keep moving
>fluid through the system until I believe most of the old fluid has been
>replaced by the new fluid?
>Thanks in advance.
>Larry Hoy
Brian Evans
Director, Global Sales
UUNET, An MCI WorldCom Company